4.3 关注项目

Kubernetes 关注项目 #

ramitsurana/awesome-kubernetes Github stars Language Last Tag Last commit

kubernetes 官方 #

kubernetes/kubernetes Github stars Github forks Language Last Tag Last commit #

Production-Grade Container Scheduling and Management https://kubernetes.io

kubernetes/client-go Github stars #

Go client for Kubernetes.

kubernetes/kops Github stars #

kops - Kubernetes Operations The easiest way to get a production grade Kubernetes cluster up and running.

kubernetes/dashboard Github stars #

General-purpose web UI for Kubernetes clusters

kubernetes/kube-state-metrics Github stars Language Last Tag Last commit #

Add-on agent to generate and expose cluster-level metrics.

kubernetes/examples Github stars #

Kubernetes application example tutorials

kubernetes/sample-controller Github stars #

Repository for sample controller. Complements sample-apiserver

kubernetes/node-problem-detector Github stars #

This is a place for various problem detectors running on the Kubernetes nodes.

kubernetes/enhancements Github stars #

Enhancements tracking repo for Kubernetes

kubernetes/test-infra Github stars #

This repository contains tools and configuration files for the testing and automation needs of the Kubernetes project.

kubernetes/kompose Github stars #

Go from Docker Compose to Kubernetes http://kompose.io

kubernetes/ingress-nginx Github stars #

NGINX Ingress Controller for Kubernetes https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx/

Kubernetes 周边工具 #

rancher/rancher Github stars #

Rancher 是一个容器管理平台,通过 Rancher 可以实现 Docker 和 Kubernetes 的轻松部署。

helm/helm Github stars Language Last Tag Last commit #

The Kubernetes Package Manager https://helm.sh

rancher/k3s Github stars #

Lightweight Kubernetes. 5 less than k8s. https://k3s.io

kubernetes-sigs/kustomize Github stars Language Last Tag Last commit #

Customization of kubernetes YAML configurations

fluxcd/flagger Github stars Language Last Tag Last commit #

Flagger implements several deployment strategies (Canary releases, A/B testing, Blue/Green mirroring) using a service mesh (App Mesh, Istio, Linkerd) or an ingress controller (Contour, Gloo, NGINX, Skipper, Traefik) for traffic routing. For release analysis, Flagger can query Prometheus, Datadog, New Relic or CloudWatch and for alerting it uses Slack, MS Teams, Discord and Rocket.

Flagger is a Cloud Native Computing Foundation project and part of Flux family of GitOps tools.

rancher/k3os Github stars #

Purpose-built OS for Kubernetes, fully managed by Kubernetes. https://k3os.io

rancher/fleet Github stars #

Manage large fleets of Kubernetes clusters

baidu/ote-stack Github stars #

OTE-Stack is an edge computing platform for 5G and AI https://ote.baidu.com/

其他 #

knative/serving Github stars #

Kubernetes-based, scale-to-zero, request-driven compute https://knative.dev/docs/serving

kubeflow/kubeflow Github stars #

Machine Learning Toolkit for Kubernetes

alauda/kube-ovn Github stars #

A Kubernetes Network Fabric for Enterprises that is Rich in Functions and Easy in Operations https://kube-ovn.io

OpenNESS #

OpenNESS(Open Network Edge Services Software)是一个开源的边缘应用程序管理系统,使服务提供商和企业能够在任何网络的边缘上构建、部署和操作自己的边缘应用程序(ME APP),支持通过简易的方式将运行在 Telco/Public Cloud 中的 APP 迁移到边缘。

OpenNESS, the easy button to deploy innovative services at the Edge. OpenNESS is an open source reference toolkit that makes it easy to move applications from the Cloud to the Network and On-Premise Edge.

istio/istio Github stars Language Last Tag Last commit #

Connect, secure, control, and observe services. https://istio.io

dapr/dapr Github stars Language Last Tag Last commit #

Dapr is a portable, event-driven, runtime for building distributed applications across cloud and edge.


